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M.S. in Law Enforcement and Public Safety Leadership
Since 2015, the MS-LEPSLprogram has been helping law enforcement professionals enhance their leadership skills, more effectively serve their departments and communities, and prepare themselves for promotion. The LEPSL alumni community is now more than 800 members strong, providing a robust and valuable network for continued idea sharing, collaboration and recruitment among some of the nation’s most effective law enforcement leaders.
Over the years, the LEPSL program has gained national stature, including being ranked among the nation’s best online graduate programs for five consecutive years by US News & World Report. Recognitions such as this play an important role in ensuring that the value of your LEPSL degree continues to increase over time. But the most important measure of success is the impact the LEPSL experience has made in the lives of our graduates.
Did you know that each semester, at least one student is forced to drop out of the LEPSL program due to financial reasons? We’ve established this scholarship fund to reduce, or at least minimize, the number of students who are unable to complete their degree due to changing financial conditions.
Your contribution can play a crucial role in preventing a LEPSL student from dropping the program for financial reasons. By investing in this scholarship fund, you are helping a current student complete the program so they can go on to create positive change in their departments and communities. And because this is a crowdfunded campaign, every donation, no matter the size, makes a meaningful impact.
If your circumstances allow, please join your LEPSL peers in paying it forward by clicking the “Make a Gift” link at the top of this page.
On behalf of the MS-LEPSL program, Academic Director Dr. Erik Fritsvold, is grateful for your contribution and will assemble a panel of program alumni to determine eligibility and process related to this scholarship award.
There are many ways to make your tax-deductible gift to the University of San Diego, and every contribution to USD is viewed as important. Whether it is great or small, donations like yours help build our Torero future. Donations may be made through cash or checks, credit card, securities or real estate, and other tangible property. Gifts may be designated to honor a person’s memory or to commemorate a significant event.
Set up a one-time or recurring gift on your credit card.
Did you speak with a student caller at the Telefunding Center or set up a pledge to support your favorite USD program? You can pay your pledge now using a credit card.
See how you can partner with USD to make a meaningful impact through sponsorships and more.
Foundations fund critical areas at USD. Learn more about how to make gifts and grants through your foundation.
Please contact the Office of Annual Giving for specific instructions for wire or ACH transfers. Call (619) 260-4724 or contact us via email at [email protected].
Many companies match the charitable donations made by their employees. Check to see if your company will match your gift.
Donate Bitcoin, Etherium, and many other cryptocurrencies.
Want to make a big gift to the University of San Diego without touching your bank account? Consider giving real estate.
USD accepts gifts of stock and mutual fund transfers. See how you can make a difference by giving this way!