MS in Health Care Informatics

Track Selection

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Informatics Track Selection (not integrated)

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Track Details

Health Care Informatics (HCI) Track

The Health Care Informatics professional employs technical, analytical, and innovative skills to provide leadership in health care tech­nologies and applications within the context of the health care discipline.

The HCI professional functions as part of the health care team tasked with applying data to solve questions that impact individual patients, populations of patients, and health care delivery systems. They work in an interdis­ciplinary environment that integrates comput­er science, knowledge management, and health care.

The HCI professional applies a variety of tools and methods to automate, organize, and improve the transmission of information to support the delivery of health care. The work informaticists do enables patient care provid­ers to computerize and centralize their patient records, lab results, prescriptions and much more. The goal is to improve medical care by increasing speed and accuracy while reducing errors and costs.

Healthcare Data Analytics (HDA) Track

The Healthcare Data Analytics (HDA) track teaches students to employ the skills of a data scientist, within the context of the health care discipline. The HCA professional functions as a member of the health care team who applies various tools to solve questions that impact individual and large populations of patients and health care delivery systems. Students enrolled in this track will understand health care delivery from the bedside to the board room, and utilize advanced analytics tools combined with programming skills to design unique solutions to solving health care problems.

Health Care Leadership Track

Health care informatics leaders have moved into an era of innovation and con­stant change. Leaders must be able to adapt to the fast-changing environment of the modern technology-driven hospital or clinic. The Health Care Leadership Track of prepares individuals with the skills needed in technology, systems management, communication and critical thinking to take on leadership roles in health care organizations.

This unique leadership track has a strong technology and informatics focus that pre­pares graduates to manage complex human and technology systems. Graduates will be pre­pared for roles such as managers, directors, or executives in health care delivery, technol­ogy, informatics, and health care companies.