Headshot of Lesley-Anne Long

Lesley-Anne Long

President & CEO for GBC Health

Lesley-Anne serves as President and CEO for GBC Health, a hub for business engagement on global health challenges. She leads the organization in catalyzing private sector investments, facilitating collaboration between companies, governments, NGOs and others.

A former practicing family law Barrister, Lesley-Anne has also served as Dean of the Faculty of Health and Social Care at The Open University, the founder and first Director of HEAT (Heath and Education Training) the national community health worker training program in Ethiopia, Global Director of mPowering Frontline Health Workers (USA), and the first Director of Digital Square (USA).

Lesley-Anne has also been a strategic advisor and consultant for private-sector companies, foundations, NGO and UN clients, and the World Bank. She is a member of Wilton Park’s Advisory Council and has seats on several international committees and Boards that focus on global health, digital and strategic partnerships.