Chief Brian P. Bubar was appointed Chief of Police on May 1, 2024. Chief Bubar started his career with the San Pablo Police Department, being hired on December 9, 2002 as a police officer. After only having three and half years in patrol, Chief Bubar was assigned to the West Contra Costa County Narcotics Enforcement Task Force (West-NET), as a Narcotics Investigator. He has been recognized throughout the state for his undercover work with large-scale narcotics operations. He was selected by his peers as Officer of the Year after he successfully infiltrated a notorious street gang as an undercover officer. In addition to his patrol duties, Chief Bubar successfully implemented a progressive recruitment program seeking out candidates of the highest standards for the position of Police Officer.
He helped formulate the Cadet Program by creating selection and hiring standards, and creating the training matrix and was selected as the supervisor for the Priority Oriented Policing Unit where he excelled at fighting crime and developing positive relationships with the community through our schools and city departments. He has served as one of the San Pablo Police Department’s Hostage Negotiators for more than 10 years. He is a graduate of the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute as well as POST Command College. Chief Bubar received his Master of Science Degree from the University of San Diego in Public Safety/Law Enforcement Leadership.
What motivated you to be a LEPSL ambassador?
I believe there is a responsibility to promote and participate in the continued development of Public Safety Leadership. The LEPSL Program through USD offers that opportunity.
Why did you choose the LEPSL program? What made LEPSL stand out in comparison to other schools/programs?
I was introduced to LEPSL through POST Command College. When I began looking into the program, I found the curriculum to be completely relevant to modern public safety issues I was already dealing with day-to-day. The program also offered the opportunity to network with professionals across the globe with relatable experiences. In terms of public safety leadership education and training, I have not found a program as accessible and topical as what I experienced within LEPSL.
What were your concerns about starting a graduate program?
Initially it was the time commitment. This was always the barrier which prevented me from pursuing completing my education in my career. However, LEPSL spoke to these concerns up front, which allowed me to have a consistent schedule for assignments with consistent expectations and feedback from instructors.
How did the LEPSL program help you achieve your career goals?
The progression of my professional accomplishments through the ranks aligned with my experience in the LEPSL program. I was able to gain a greater paradigm of our profession through the courses and interaction which played a role in my promotion and eventual promotion to Chief of Police. I feel I am better equipped to lead my organization into the future but for my experience with LEPSL at USD.
What advice would you share with prospective LEPSL applicants?
You will never regret starting and finishing your education, you will only regret not starting it sooner. Unless you are expecting to enter into the POST Command College program, there are very few reasons to delay or not pursue this program. Being connected with other professionals and being better prepared for what the future of public safety means for all of us can never be the wrong decision.
What was the most unexpected part of the LEPSL program?
The most unexpected part of the program was how topical and relatable the curriculum was to my day-to-day experience at work. I never had to wonder how this course would benefit me, because each topic and assignment spoke to priorities I was already addressing. From budget management to technology programming to community relations, LEPSL was built to serve public safety leaders with tools to become successful.
What were you balancing while participating in the LEPSL program?
The integration of time to course work to my already challenging work/life balance with my family was daunting during the initial months of the LEPSL program. However, the instructors and other students were great resources to keep me on task. After a few months, I had established a consistent schedule and routine which I was able to maintain for the duration of the program.
How did you stay motivated throughout the program in the face of competing priorities in your life?
I was able to stay motivated throughout the program because the course curriculum stayed topical and relevant. I found tools I could apply to my professional work which provided purpose to my completion of the program.
LEPSL Graduating Class: