Gene Harris is a Southern California native and former United States Marine. During his stint in the Marine Corps, he served as an airborne, forward observer for naval gunfire and close air support before leaving to pursue his career in law enforcement. Gene is a 34-year law enforcement veteran who now serves as Chief of the Pasadena Police Department
He is a published author and has a bachelor’s degree, in Business Administration, a master’s degree in Organizational Management, and a master’s degree in Law Enforcement and Public Safety Leadership from the University of San Diego LEPSL Program. He is also a graduate of the POST Master Instructor Development Program, the West Point Leadership Program, POST Command College, and the FBI National Academy. His favorite of his achievements is the publishing of his book, “The Zero Stress Zone, A Layman’s Guide to Stress Management. His personal ethos is “enthusiasm is the force that creates momentum,” and he plans to live by, and exemplify that code in every endeavor.
In his current assignment, he places community engagement at the top of his priority list and ensures the department interacts with community members at every level. He is committed to the tenants of developing community partnerships and believes it is crucial in any public, or private community endeavors. Gene also sits on the boards of the Los Angeles County Police Chiefs Association, and the California Police Chiefs Association, and routinely gives presentations related to stress management to law enforcement, and other government and private entities.
What motivated you to be a LEPSL ambassador?
Absolute commitment to the program! As a beneficiary of LEPSL offerings, I am a testament to what can be achieved when you surround yourself with good people and engage in good causes, and that is exactly my experience with LEPSL and the University of San Diego… I want to be a part of giving back! Go Toreros!!
Why did you choose the LEPSL program? What made LEPSL stand out in comparison to other schools/programs?
The simple answer is, applicability. When researching programs I felt the connection and was able to foresee the potential this program offered, specifically related to my quest to become a law enforcement executive.
What were your concerns about starting a graduate program?
I had no concerns to speak of, but I certainly hoped that I could benefit from people a lot smarter than me and pay it forward in my career endeavors.
How did the LEPSL program help you achieve your career goals?
LEPSL surrounded me with smart, highly driven educators and peers who taught me focus and provided a future thought process that has helped me in my leadership journey.
What advice would you share with prospective LEPSL applicants?
If you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready! This program promotes readiness and the relationships will help you stay that way.
What was your favorite part of the LEPSL program?
The connections and relationships.
What were you balancing while participating in the LEPSL program?
Life, career, family, etc. But anything worth having is worth working hard for. It was absolutely worth it!!
How did you stay motivated throughout the program in the face of competing priorities in your life?
Enthusiasm is the force that creates momentum!! Every element of my experience created enthusiasm. It was truly a fun, educational environment.
LEPSL Graduating Class: