Patrol, Academy Training Officer, FTO Sergeant, Investigations (Property Crimes, Sex Crimes, Homicide), Honor Guard
What motivated you to be a LEPSL ambassador?
My love for the program and a desire to pay forward the experience I had that has translated into professional results.
Why did you choose the LEPSL program? What made LEPSL stand out in comparison to other schools/programs?
This program was tailor-made for active law enforcement officers facing the current issues at the time.
What were your concerns about starting a graduate program?
The work/life balance of fitting the LEPSL program into a life already filled with a fluctuating work schedule while managing the home life in addition to the financial responsibilities of being a student.
How did the LEPSL program help you achieve your career goals?
This program created a new style of approach for me to be able to view an issue from a balcony perspective while gaining insight from command-level individuals as well as peers from agencies throughout the nation.
What advice would you share with prospective LEPSL applicants?
Students need to have an open mind when self-reflecting on their own knowledge, skills, and experiences.
What was your favorite LEPSL course?
My favorite course was the Constitutional Law Course. Gaining an understanding of the verbiage found in court decisions was fascinating and could be applied to other cases in understanding the court’s language.
What were you balancing while participating in the LEPSL program?
While a student, I coached Little League, managed a full case load, participated in the LEPSL program, went through a promotional process, was promoted, and transferred to two assignments during my time at USD all while having two children in the home.
How did you stay motivated throughout the program in the face of competing priorities in your life?
The internal motivation to achieve a goal that I had committed myself to completing.
LEPSL Graduating Class: