My name is Roberto Vasquez; I am 34 years old and live in Napa, California, with my wife and two children. I have been in Law Enforcement for 10 Years. I work for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). I started my career as a correctional officer at San Quentin State Prison. After a few years, I became a Parole Agent in San Francisco. Currently, I supervise high-risk sex offenders requiring GPS monitoring in Solano County (located next to Napa County). I have a long career ahead of me, with a retirement of 2.7 at age 57. I completed the LEPSL program in May of 2024, and it was one of the best decisions I have made in my life!
Why did you choose the LEPSL program? What made LEPSL stand out in comparison to other schools/programs?
I want to encourage people like me who have a long time until retirement to get higher education and improve the workplace with better leadership.
What were your concerns about starting a graduate program?
My major concern was my home life and working more than full-time while attending school.
How did the LEPSL program help you achieve your career goals?
After I graduated, I updated my state application, and now I get an interview for every job I apply to. The state of California has a point system for job applications. Having a graduate degree gave me the edge I needed!
What advice would you share with prospective LEPSL applicants?
If you are thinking about getting a graduate degree, then please do it. You will not regret it.
What was your favorite LEPSL course?
I have to say Communication Skills for Law Enforcement Leaders (LEPS-510) was my favorite class. Kristin Allison did a great job of having us (the students) explore communication skills I was able to take back to the workplace.
What were you balancing while participating in the LEPSL program?
I was balancing a full-time job with the state of California. I also had two very active small children.
How did you stay motivated throughout the program in the face of competing priorities in your life?
It was easy to stay motivated with the help from the teachers and the other classmates. Also the program moves very fast.
LEPSL Graduating Class: