I am a multi-discipline certified public safety professional withttps://onlinedegrees.sandiego.edu/ambassador/scott-collins/h 20+ years of career experience in Law Enforcement, Emergency Management, and Fire/EMS.
Acknowledged as an expert in school safety and active shooter training, I am passionate about being at the forefront of ISD-based law enforcement, I have changed several departments into a progressive technology and data-engaged agency. Sought to assist other school districts in creating and opening their school-based Law Enforcement as well as School Safety Audits and consulting. Acknowledged as an expert in how to start a School Police Department, School Safety, Active Shooter Management, and Incident Command for School-Based Incidents.
Recently graduated from the University of San Diego, with a Master of Science – Law Enforcement and Public Safety Leadership (with honors and awards). Leadership Education Program at the National Command and Staff College in St. Charles, Louisiana, I received the MAGNUS Leadership Award.
With extensive experience including Patrol, K-9, Traffic, SRO, and Investigations, I have always honored my public safety profession with fair and impartial policing, while maintaining ethical standards and assisting citizens in changing the way they view the public safety professions by providing exceptional excellence in the service I performed.
As a veteran of the law enforcement community, I am involved in various executive-level leadership organizations and am also a certified Instructor. And as a leader, I feel it is essential to raise the standards on how we best provide public safety services and instill and maintain best practices throughout the department; including the use of the latest trends in technology.
I have an extensive background in Incident Command and Event Planning and Management of School Events including sporting/ stadium events. As a Certified Public Information Officer (PIO) I have strong communication skills with the media.
My career achievement is supported by a Master of Science in Law Enforcement and Public Safety Leadership, a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, graduation from the National Command and Staff College, and certification as a Master Peace Officer, Firefighter/ EMT-B.
What motivated you to be a LEPSL ambassador?
This was my idea, after I needed the courage to start the program, after being out of academics for almost 20 years.
Why did you choose the LEPSL program? What made LEPSL stand out in comparison to other schools/programs?
I chose LEPSL, due to the flexibility, and the credit earned prior to starting the program. Additionally, I continued the program to move my career to even higher levels of leadership!
What were your concerns about starting a graduate program?
Time, college graduate-level writings, and whether I can compete with my fellow classmates.
How did the LEPSL program help you achieve your career goals?
I went from being a chief of a small agency to being the chief of a larger agency while still in the program. Additionally, now, I have had two more promotions due to this degree. Currently, I am a Captain of a large agency and I am still moving up, actively in the organization.
What advice would you share with prospective LEPSL applicants?
Set your personal goal, and go after it. I had a goal of receiving A/B’s. And I achieved a 4.0. You can do this even being a working professional. At one point I was the chief of two agencies at the same time, and was able to perform my schoolwork!
What was your favorite LEPSL course?
All the classes were great, they all brought different perspectives to the table!
What were you balancing while participating in the LEPSL program?
I was transitioning out of one chief job to a new chief job. During this, I was actually running two chief jobs at the same time. I explained the situation and worked with the instructors. This is all a winnable situation and degree.
How did you stay motivated throughout the program in the face of competing priorities in your life?
My motivation was the end goal. Countdowns, small wins, and the countdown to graduation were all my motivations. The end may seem far, however, it is closer and moves faster than it seems.
LEPSL Graduating Class: