Course Overview

Interest in and usage of Machine Learning systems has increased dramatically in recent years. More and more innovative products and research rely on Machine Learning systems that leverage data to make predictions and identify trends. However – as with many cutting-edge fields – Machine Learning systems are often implemented improperly. As a result, many Machine Learning systems are unreliable, inefficient, or even useless. Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) is a methodology whose goal is to design, build, deploy, and maintain machine learning models properly. MLOps combines practices from Machine Learning, Data Engineering, and DevOps to assist ensure that Machine Learning models and algorithms are reliable, efficient, and – most importantly – useful. This course will introduce students to the key concepts of MLOps and a holistic method of designing suitable ML systems. Students will learn and perform the best practices for building Machine Learning systems with hands-on learning experiences and real-world applications. While students will learn about and implement some Machine Learning algorithms in this course, this course is not intended to teach them about the field of Machine Learning. Rather, students will learn how to properly design Machine Learning systems throughout the entire lifecycle.


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