Headshot of Sarina Molina, EdD

Sarina Molina, EdD

Associate Dean and Associate Professor

Areas of Interest

1.) Teaching English as an international and transnational language where socioculturally salient pedagogical practice is explored;
2.) Supporting the needs of marginalized populations of students including immigrants, migrants, refugees, international students and the rural poor from a responsible, critical and ethical space;
3.) Teacher development through responsive mediation, drawing on constructive-developmental and sociocultural lenses;
4.) Mediating teacher learning through classroom research with a focus on improving instructional practice and evolving identities as practitioner-researchers; and
5.) Contemplative, mindful, and conscious education, blending the work from eastern and western wisdom traditions and contemporary research on positive psychology.

Why USD?

I wanted the opportunity to mentor teachers from around the country and the world on teacher research grounded within their respective classroom contexts and student needs.

Advice for Future Students?

Earning a master’s degree shifts your identity from that of a practitioner to that of a practitioner-researcher. This deepens the level of work and commitment to your profession, particularly as you seek to improve your own practice and that of your school to ultimately improve the learning experiences for your students. It is an opportunity to professionalize our work through systematic and meaningful inquiry and practice grounded in cutting-edge research.

Favorite quote?

“Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind” – Ralph Waldo Emerson


Your Future Now

Earn your master’s degree on a schedule that’s convenient for you.