10 Best Master’s Degrees for Engineers on Management and Technical Track

8 min read
two engineers in yellow safety jackets work on a machine together

An exciting part of your engineering career is that you have many options open to you. You could choose to earn your engineering degree and then work your way up within your field. Or, you could gain experience within the field to develop your skills and then supplement with education from graduate courses.

Master’s degrees are far more specialized than bachelor’s, and certain degrees are better suited for different career paths. While master’s degrees aren’t necessarily a “must” for all positions, they are highly valued for leadership positions — and may be a requirement for certain jobs. At the very least, they’ll give you a leg up on other job candidates and make you eligible for a higher salary.

But, which master’s degree program is the right fit for your career? The answer is that it really depends on your career aspirations. Continue reading to explore the differences between possible engineering career paths and what might be the best engineering master’s program for you.

Common Job Titles for Senior and Advanced Engineers

With the appropriate amount of experience and the right skills and knowledge, you can work your way up any number of mid- to high-level positions, including senior engineer, lead engineer, tech lead and engineering manager.

table showing differences between senior engineer, lead engineer, tech lead and engineering manager job positions and responsibilites

For more detailed information on these positions, including important skills and job requirements, see our other posts “Senior Engineer vs. Lead Engineer vs. Tech Lead Explained” and “How to Become an Engineering Manager.”

Should you choose to advance to top-level engineering and executive-level positions, you’ll need to have several years of experience as a professional engineer and/or leading teams of engineers and managing projects. These positions can include engineering director, principal engineer, vice president of engineering and chief technical officer.

table showing the differences between engineering director, principal engineer, VP of engineering and CFO job salary and responsbilities

For more detailed information on these high-level executive positions, see our other post “What Can You Do With an Engineering Management Degree? 12 Careers to Consider.”

In almost all companies across every industry, these positions will require that you supplement your undergraduate education with a relevant advanced degree. Which engineering master’s degree you choose will depend on the type of work that you want to do, the field you want to work in and the direction you want your career path to take.

What Are the Different Types of Engineering Degrees?

If you’re interested in earning an advanced degree in engineering, you could find what you’re looking for in a master of engineering, a master of science or a master of science in engineering program. At first, the differences may sound like semantics, but the specifics of what you will study within an engineering master’s degree program — such as its prerequisites, its emphasis on practical application vs. theoretical research and the nature of the coursework — will vary based on the structure of the program and the institution offering the degree.

In general, here’s how to understand the differences between these different engineering degrees.

Master of Engineering (MEng)

  • Focus: The Master of Engineering is specifically tailored to the practical aspects of engineering. It’s designed for students who are interested in deepening their technical expertise while also acquiring hands-on, practical skills that are directly applicable in the workplace.
  • Structure: Typically, MEng programs do not require a thesis. Instead, they conclude with a practical, independent project that demonstrates the application of engineering principles in real-world scenarios. This makes the MEng particularly attractive to those who wish to enhance their skills for immediate application in professional settings, rather than pursuing academic research.
  • Career Path: Graduates with an MEng degree are well-prepared for advanced engineering roles in industry. This degree is suited for those looking to climb the ladder in technical and management positions within engineering firms and other technology-driven industries.

Master of Science (MSc)

  • Focus: The Master of Science degree encompasses a broader range of scientific fields, including natural sciences, computer science, mathematics and engineering. The focus and structure of an MSc degree can vary significantly based on the discipline and the institution offering the degree.
  • Structure: MSc programs tend to be research oriented and the requirement for a thesis varies. In many cases, students are required to complete a research project or a thesis, in which they’re expected to contribute original knowledge to their field.
  • Career Path: MSc degrees are suitable for students who are still deciding between professional employment and an academic career. Those who focus on research might continue into a PhD program, while others might enter professional roles in industries relevant to their area of study.

Master of Science in Engineering (MSE)

  • Focus: The Master of Science in Engineering is a specialized degree that focuses on the theoretical and research aspects of engineering. It is ideal for students who are interested in pursuing advanced research in engineering topics and potentially continuing on to a PhD.
  • Structure: MSE degree programs usually require the completion of a significant thesis or research project. This emphasis on research prepares students for advanced study and careers in academia or high-level research positions in the industry.
  • Career Path: MSE graduates are typically positioned to pursue careers in research institutions or R&D departments of major companies. The degree can also serve as a stepping stone to doctoral studies, leading to careers in university teaching and advanced research.
table showing comparisons between degrees (master of engineering, master of science, MS in engineering)

If you’re interested in leadership positions, you’ll also find a variety of courses offered in both business and engineering departments, as well as a number of crossover degrees. There’s not really one “best graduate degree for engineers” as each degree is tailored to serve different educational needs and career aspirations.

Ultimately, when it comes to getting your foot in the door for a career position, it’s less about the type of degree you’ve earned, and more focused on what you can show about yourself — including your specific area of study and what you’ve produced from it, whether it’s a thesis, research project, engineering product or workplace experience. Those elements will depend on whether your graduate education follows a management track or more of a technical track.

Engineering Management Track vs. Technical Track

Which direction your engineering career takes will depend on your areas of specialization, which should be determined by your interests and passions. If you enjoy collaborating with others and leading teams, you should consider a management track in a master of engineering or master of science in engineering or even within a master of business administration program.

On the other hand, if you prefer to focus on the research and work of engineering, then consider a specialization within a master of engineering, master of science or master of science in engineering program. Here are some of the best engineering master’s degree programs for engineers who want to advance their careers.

Management Track Programs

  • Engineering Management
    • What is it? Advanced engineering courses with business management and leadership strategies, typically including classes on project management, systems engineering and finance.
    • Who’s it for? Engineers interested in developing the managerial skills necessary to lead projects and make strategic decisions. This is a popular choice for those who want to climb the managerial ladder and oversee technical teams, projects or departments.
    • What do you get? Graduates often find themselves in high demand for leadership roles that require both technical and managerial expertise, making it a strategic choice for career advancement in the engineering field.
    • Industrial and Systems Engineering
      • What is it? Typically includes coursework in optimization, systems simulation, quality control and supply chain management.
    • Who’s it for? Engineers who want to develop their critical skills in problem solving and decision making. A good choice for those interested in improving organizational efficiencies through better systems and processes.
    • What do you get? Graduates are well-prepared to design, evaluate, and improve integrated systems, leading to opportunities for significant career advancement and leadership roles in diverse industries.
    • Master of Science in Engineering Management and Leadership
      • What is it? Provides instruction in advanced courses related to technology and engineering management, such as competing strategically, building resilient businesses, decision analysis and how to identify emerging technology trends.
    • Who’s it for? Engineers who want to lead complex technology organizations as a leader or manager. Management and leadership programs are designed to provide engineers with the ability to develop effective workplace cultures and lead by influence.
    • What do you get? Graduates are valued for their ability to effectively manage complex interactions, implement innovative and creative strategies, succinctly communicate value to all stakeholders and lead diverse and dynamic organizations.

Read how The University of San Diego’s 100% online Master of Science in Engineering Management and Leadership (MS-EML) program was created to specifically address these needs of tomorrow’s technical professionals.

Technical Track Programs

  • Biomedical and Bioengineering
    • What is it? These programstypically cover advanced topics such as biomedical instrumentation, biomaterials and tissue engineering, alongside classes in genetics and computational biology.
    • Who’s it for? Students interested in the intersection of biology, medicine and engineering. Pursuing either of these degrees opens doors to cutting-edge research opportunities and roles in healthcare technology, pharmaceuticals and medical device development.
    • What do you get? Graduates can make substantial impacts on medical therapies and technologies, providing them with strong job prospects and potential for meaningful work in the medical field.
    • Chemical Engineering
      • What is it? Typically includes courses in advanced thermodynamics, reaction engineering, process dynamics and control, as well as electives like bioengineering or materials science.
    • Who’s it for? Engineers who want expertise in chemical processes and to pursue innovative solutions in industries such as pharmaceuticals, energy or materials manufacturing.
    • What do you get? Graduates enjoy access to specialized research opportunities, enhanced career prospects and experience working on projects related to pressing challenges such as sustainable energy and environmental protection.
    • Civil Engineering
      • What is it? These programs focus on elements of the natural- and physical-built environment, including advanced structural analysis, fluid dynamics, transportation engineering and environmental systems.
    • Who’s it for? Engineers interested in designing, constructing and maintaining infrastructure projects like bridges, roads and water systems.
    • What do you get? Graduates are able to develop specialized technical skills, increase their career opportunities and build on their ability to take on leadership roles in managing large-scale projects.
    • Computer Engineering
      • What is it? These programs have coursework in advanced computer architecture, network security, embedded systems and digital signal processing.
    • Who’s it for? Engineerslooking to advance their expertise in hardware and software integration and tackle complex engineering challenges.
    • What do you get? Graduates are able to develop in-depth knowledge and enhanced problem-solving skills, opening up greater job opportunities and potential leadership roles in industries like telecommunications, robotics and consumer electronics.
    • Electrical Engineering
      • What is it? Electrical engineering programs cover advanced topics such as power systems, electronic circuits, telecommunications and control systems.
    • Who’s it for? Engineers who want to deepen their technical knowledge in designing, analyzing and improving electrical systems.
    • What do you get? Graduates enjoy access to cutting-edge technological advancements, significant career growth opportunities and the skills and knowledge to contribute to major innovations in the energy, automotive or aerospace industries.
    • Environmental Engineering
      • What is it? Environmental engineering can include coursework on water quality engineering, waste treatment technologies, environmental biotechnology and sustainable design.
    • Who’s it for? Engineers who are committed to addressing environmental issues like pollution control, water resources management and sustainable infrastructure.
    • What do you get? Graduates enjoy the expertise needed to develop innovative solutions that protect and sustain the environment, making them excellent candidates for diverse career opportunities in government, consulting and industry.
    • Mechanical Engineering
      • What is it? Typically involves coursework in advanced thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, materials science and mechanical systems design.
    • Who’s it for? Engineers interested in deepening their understanding of how complex machines and systems are designed, tested and manufactured.
    • What do you get? Graduates benefit from the development of high-level, problem-solving skills and specialized knowledge, enhancing their job prospects across diverse industries such as automotive, aerospace and manufacturing.

For a further break-down of a technical vs. leadership track, including differences in salaries, see our other comparison post “Management Track vs. Technical Track: Choosing the Right Engineering Career Path.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best master’s degree for an engineer?

The “best” engineering master’s degree will depend on your career goals, interests and the specific industry you want to work in. Depending on how much you want to focus on your technical expertise, research skills or management ability you’ll want to explore different degree types — including master of engineering, master of science in engineering, master of science and master of business administration degrees — to see which programs offer the courses and projects that align with your aspirations.

Should I choose a management or technical track in engineering?

Your choice of a management or technical track should depend on what you want your career path to look like. Leading teams and working across departments will require the leadership abilities and business management skills you’ll earn in the managerial path. However, if you’re more interested in solving technical problems, building better programs or projects and staying informed of new developments within your industry, then you may be better off pursuing a technical track.

Is a master’s degree worth it for engineering?

Whether the investment of time and money into a master’s degree program is “worth it” will depend on your career goals, financial situation and the specific field of engineering you are interested in. Though a master’s degree isn’t necessarily required for a leadership position in engineering, they can qualify you for certain higher-level positions, raise your salary range and provide you with a competitive edge and increase your marketability.

Choosing the right engineering career path is one of the most important decisions you’ll make, so it’s important to evaluate your goals and carefully weigh the options. No matter which path you end up taking, you’ll need to come up with a plan to reach your goals — and if those plans involve earning an advanced degree we’re here to help.

Interested in becoming an engineering leader, but not sure about which path to take? Get our free eBook “From Engineer to Leader: How to Transition from the Technical Track to Management Path.”

If you’d like more information about our 100% online Master of Science in Engineering Management and Leadership program reach out and get in touch with us.

From Engineer to Leader: How to Transition from the Technical Track to Management Path

Are you thinking of taking on a leadership role? Download our free eBook for the questions you need to answer to make an informed decision.

From Engineer to Leader