Headshot of Casey Myers, MA

Casey Myers, MA

Humanitarian Action Specialist, Educator and Human Rights Activist

Casey Myers is an avid world traveler, having visited over 50 countries, and culminating in her work in refugee camps in the Mediterranean during the height of the Syrian Civil War. Myers developed a number of educational programs focused on preparation for resettlement. She followed this work by founding One Digital World, a nonprofit that empowers refugees worldwide through technology access and digital and language education, with projects in Mexico, Afghanistan and the United States.

Casey is the recipient of the 2021 Human Rights Recognition Award by the Geneva Centre and United Nations and the 2019 winner of the Fowler Global Social Innovation Challenge. She currently serves on the City of San Diego’s Community Emergency Response Team and is a certified Disaster Service Worker.

Casey received her MA in Social Innovation with a focus on Immigration and Human Rights from the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies at the University of San Diego and her BA from San Diego State University.