Headshot of Eric James, PhD

Eric James, PhD

Executive Director, Field Ready

Eric James, PhD, began his career in international development with USAID in 1995 and has since worked for a number of NGOs and consulted for the UN. His professional experience spans over twenty countries including Afghanistan, Albania, Burundi, East Timor, Iraq, Liberia, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe. Based on this work, he is the author of three books and numerous articles including the widely used book, Managing Humanitarian Relief: An Operational Guide for NGOs (2nd Edition, Practical Action Publishing, 2017). Dr. James has earned degrees from the University of Illinois, the London School of Economics, Tuft’s Fletcher School and the University of Manchester where he earned his PhD in International Development. Previously, he taught at the University of Manchester, Richmond University-London, DePaul University and at the University of Minnesota. He was an Affiliated Expert of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI), a Research Fellow at the World Engagement Institute and, currently, he is a Board Member of RedR-USA. In 2020, he was recognized by Rotary International’s Humanitarian STAR Award for his work in disaster relief and recovery.