Headshot of Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM

Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM

Visiting Professor

“The new Information Technologies are already unavoidably embedded in our daily life. For many people, they are ‘the chief means of information and education, of guidance and inspiration’ (John Paul II, “Encyclical letter Redemptoris misio“, 7-12-1990, n. 37). We are in a new culture, a new way of being and thinking; so we can rightly say that, in social communication, our destiny is at stake. With my research and academic activity, I try to discern how to inhabit the new digital environment, taking inspiration from the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition.”

Born in Zamora, Spain, Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM has lived in Rome since 1995, where he currently teaches ethics and communication at two universities: the Antonianum (Pontifical University Antonianum or PUA) and the Alfonsianum (Pontifical Lateran University or PUL). At the PUA, he has served as Vice-Rector and Rector Magnificus ad interim for three years. He also teaches regularly in Spain and the USA. Professor Carbajo studies the relevance of the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition in formulating a global ethic and facing the challenges of the new digital age. He also studies journalistic deontology in regard to informational privacy.

Select Publications

  • A free and fraternal economy. The Franciscan perspective, Tau, Phoenix (AZ) 2017. 2nd edition: Media House, Delhi 2018. Published also in five other languages: pl, sp, it, ge, pt; (eBook in en, it)
  • Sister Mother Earth. Franciscan Roots of the Laudato Si’, Tau, Phoenix (AZ) 2017; 2nd ed: Media House, Delhi 2018. Published also in: ge, fr, pl, sp, it (2), pt, (eBook sp, en)
  • “Everything is connected.” Integral ecology and communication in the Digital Age, Tau, Phoenix (AZ) 2021. 2nd ed: Media House, Delhi 2020. (Also sp, it, pt, pl, fr)
  • Being a Franciscan in the Digital Age: New Challenges, New Life, TAU, Phoenix (AZ) 2021. (2nd edition: Ed. Media House, Delhi 2021). (Also pl, sp, it, pt)
  • Francis of Assisi and global ethics (1st edition: es, e-Book, it, pt). (2nd: en, ge, fr, it, pt).
  • The Universal Fraternity. Franciscan roots of Fratelli tutti, (printing). Already published in Spanish: Efarantzazu, Vitoria-Gasteiz 2022.
  • Giovanni Duns Scoto, Studi e ricerche nel VII centenario della sua morte, (ed.), 2 vol., Antonianum, Roma 2008 (two volumes, 1020 pages)


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