Headshot of Michael Kurliand, MS, BSN, RN

Michael Kurliand, MS, BSN, RN

Director of Telehealth, West Health Institute

Michael has been working in healthcare for over 25 years and has served as a clinician, administrator, strategist, consultant and departmental leader.  Accomplishments include multisite EMR implementation lead for University of Pennsylvania Health System, information services lead for nation’s for first high-risk delivery unit and proton therapy department for children at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and development of the largest and most comprehensive pediatric telehealth program in southeastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware as telehealth director.  Michael is now the Director of Telehealth at West Health, a non-profit dedicated to lowering healthcare costs to enable seniors to successfully age in place with access to high-quality, affordable health and support services that preserve and protect their dignity, quality of life and independence.  In this role, Michael serves as a subject matter expert in change management and developing and scaling models of care that use technology for the elderly.  Michael is also responsible for advocating responsible telehealth policy; serving on state committees and educating community, hospital, and system leaders to the appropriate uses and benefits of telehealth and mhealth.

Michael received his ADN and BSN at Drexel University School of Nursing.  As a Registered Nurse, Michael specialized in Oncology, Medical Psychiatry and Emergency Psychiatry.  As a front-line clinician Michael worked in small community hospitals as well as large multihospital systems such as the University of Pennsylvania Health System (UPHS). In his tenure at UPHS, Michael also developed the first Nursing Web Portal, created and co-chaired UPHS’ first Nursing Informatics Committee and was one of UPHS first Magnet Champions.  Michael went on to receive his Master’s Degree from Johns Hopkins University in Organizational Dynamics and Strategic Human Resources in 2005.


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