St. Francis of Assisi serves as a beacon of Our Father, Christ, and The Holy Trinity. The following series of pieces are accounts of how this beacon called some individuals. Each story is different, each encounter unique. As we celebrate the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, we would like to share the following reflective piece from a Franciscan School of Theology alumnus, Asher Marron, which highlights the significant impact St. Francis has had and continues to have.
Franciscan School of Theology Student Profile: Asher Marron
“Like billowing clouds,
Like the incessant gurgle of the brook,
The longing of the spirit can never be stilled.”
― Hildegard of Bingen
God rarely has perfect timing. I felt a call–that surprising and insatiable kind of calling–to return to the Catholic Church in my early 20s. Growing up, I was othered and pushed to the margins of the institutional Church. I began my journey at the Franciscan School of Theology because I wanted to find a place of belonging in the faith of my ancestors. I possessed an intense curiosity about how to bring together my identity and faith; a curiosity that could not be satisfied without a historical understanding of Catholic spirituality.
Franciscan history was an entry point to the reclamation of my faith as a historically marginalized person. I was introduced to the medieval Franciscan mystics, such as Angela of Foligno and Rose of Viterbo. These women were powerful! They possessed grit and great confidence in their connection with God. Ultimately, I turned my attention to Hildegard of Bingen as the subject of my thesis; considering the intersectionalities of science, somaticism, mysticism, and women’s empowerment. Along the way, my academic skills progressed steadily and I was able to get a chapter of my thesis published. I have great respect for the discipline of history, and I will forever identify as a historian; however, my time at FST expanded my mind and heart beyond the classroom, allowing me to find a place of acceptance in the Franciscan family.
Featured Student:
Asher Marron, Franciscan School of Theology Alumnus
Master of Theological Studies, 2014
Thesis: “A Space of Convergence: Hildegard of Bingen’s Multivalent Understanding of the Body”
Reflective Question
- Franciscan theology often advocates for and promotes love for the marginalized. What is one way that you might be able to do the same for others in your community?
About This Piece
The month of October, specifically October 4th, is when we celebrate the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi. In commemoration of St. Francis, the following reflective student pieces in one way or another pay tribute and homage to the great impact St. Francis has had and continues to have. Click below to read other spotlights in this series.
Piece 1 – St. Francis of Assisi and Franciscan Theology
Piece 2 – Finding and Relating to St. Francis – Derek John Thomas
Piece 3 – God’s Timing and The Franciscan Calling- Asher Marron
Piece 4 – Franciscan Spirituality in Today’s World – Jeff Durham
The online Master of Theological Studies – Franciscan Theology (MTS-FT) program is offered by the Franciscan School of Theology in partnership with the University of San Diego. This Fully online program is designed for working professionals and recent undergraduates alike; students of the online MTS-FT program study with renowned scholars whose teachings draw from lives of active service in parishes, schools, and community involvement. In addition, this unique online program uses faith studies to enact positive change in local and global communities. Learn more about the program here.